Hi Algiane,
On February 25th, you have mentioned that there were no plans to parallelize MMG2D (Parallel version of mmg). Is it still the case? Does that statement also apply to MMGS?
Thank you,
Patrick Laurin
Hi Algiane,
On February 25th, you have mentioned that there were no plans to parallelize MMG2D (Parallel version of mmg). Is it still the case? Does that statement also apply to MMGS?
Thank you,
Patrick Laurin
Hi Patrick,
Yes, I am sorry but there is still no plans around the parallelization of mmg2d and mmgs.
Dear Algiane,
I am also looking forward to the parallel version of MMG3D, could you please let us know once it will be released?
Sincerely yours,
Hi Hao,
I will put a news on the Mmg website: https://www.mmgtools.org/mmg-remesher-news and try to not forget to warn you here too!
Thanks, Algiane. We hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Hi Hao,
We have published the first public release of the ParMmg library. You can find details and related links in the last news of the MmgTools website (http://www.mmgtools.org/mmg-simplicial-remesher/parmmg-v1-2-0).
Dear Algiane,
Thanks so much for letting us know your latest development. I read through the tutorial https://www.mmgtools.org/mmg-remesher-try-mmg/mmg-remesher-tutorials/parmmg/parmmg-isotropic-adaptation-to-a-solution
Here are some findings:
And I have some enquiries:
Here I attach a mesh file:LvSet_1.mesh (1.3 MB) and a level set solution file:LvSet_1.sol (70.6 KB)
Is it possible to use ParMmg to update the above mesh?
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
I will try to answer your questions in the same order.
Regarding you findings:
Regarding your questions:
Your error seems to be related with filenames. Can you try to add the extension to the input mesh (i.e. “sphere.mesh”), and tell us if you have the same behaviour? Then, we could help you more if you please tell us some details of your installation:
Level set discretization is not supported yet in ParMmg, but is in our workplane to include it in next releases.
Consequently, domain references (regional labels) can only be preserved without the levelset discretization. You can force the preservation of an interface by setting its triangles as required.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Luca,
Thanks for your timely reply.
Regarding to the findings:
2. For now is it available to call ParMmg in parallelized FreeFem scripts?
Regarding to my questions:
MacOS version is 10.15.1, the compiler is brew gcc gfortran compilers. (https://doc.freefem.org/introduction/installation.html#compilation-on-osx-10-13)
The ParMmg branch is: https://github.com/MmgTools/ParMmg
The MMG version is: https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
For the moment there is no user interface to adapt a distributed mesh with ParMmg from a parallel FreeFem script.
However, if you are running a parallel FreeFem script and you have the possibility to gather the global mesh on a single process, it should be possible to run ParMmg from command line from that single process only, with the centralized mesh as input.
If you envisage this kind of usage, we can further exchange about it.
Regarding your errors:
The problem on 8 processes is probably due to the handling of hyperthreading on your computer. You can force mpi to use more processes than the cores it sees with the option --oversubscribe:
mpirun -np 8 --oversubscribe parmmg_O3 ./sphere.mesh -sol ./sphere.sol -out sphere-out.mesh -mesh-size 200000 -niter 6 -nlayers 3 -hgradreq 3.0
This should let your program run, most probably getting the same error you get with 4 processes.
The problem on 4 processes (the segmentation fault) would need some more information for us to fix it. So I propose you a step-by-step procedure to install a debug version of ParMmg, and rerun the test case to produce debug information. The procedure consistes in 1) Installing a debug version of mmg; 2) Installing a debug version of ParMmg using this latter mmg version. Here it goes:
Setup: Create a new directory called TestPMMG (for example) in a proper location, and store its name in a variable TestDir
mkdir TestPMMG && cd TestPMMG
Store the compiler flags needed to use AddressSanitizer in a variable cmpopt
cmpopt="-fsanitize=address -O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
Check that git is installed on your computer, otherwise install it with brew
brew install git
Install mmg: Clone, create a build directory, checkout on the appropriate commit
git clone https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg.git
cd mmg && mkdir build && cd build
git checkout 9bd9ac675c7fef52df46e2cabdd4e9119adad425
configure (you should now be in the $TestDir/mmg/build folder)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=$cmpopt \
compile (from the same folder)
make -j 8
Install ParMmg: Clone, create a build directory
cd $TestDir
git clone https://github.com/MmgTools/ParMmg.git
cd ParMmg && mkdir build && cd build
configure (you should now be in the $TestDir/ParMmg/build folder)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=$cmpopt \
-DMMG_DIR=$TestDir/mmg ..
compile (from the same folder)
make -j 8
At this point, you should have a new debug version of the program called parmmg in the $TestDir/ParMmg/build/bin folder. You can now go to your tutorial folder and rerun the test with
mpirun -np 4 $TestDir/ParMmg/build/bin/parmmg ./sphere.mesh -sol ./sphere.sol -out sphere-out.mesh -mesh-size 200000 -niter 6 -nlayers 3 -hgradreq 3.0
(just remember to replace $TestDir with its absolute path, if working from another shell)
Can you please report us the full output of this run?
Dear Luca,
Thanks very much for your step-by-step instruction.
First, as for the 8 processors case, yes, it is true that I get the same error messeage as 4 processor case.
And I followed your instruction to compile the debug version of MMG and ParMmg.
Here is the full output of this run report_MacOS_debug1 (4.4 KB)
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
Thank you for your tests. It does seem to be just a problem of input filenames related to Catalina, so it would be useful if you could provide us some last information:
In your $TestDir/ParMmg/build folder, type:
ccmake ..
then type “t” to toggle advanced mode, copy the compiler path stored in the “CMAKE_C_COMPILER” variable, then exit with “q”.
Run in your terminal the line you copied, followed by “--version” to get the complete version of the compiler you are using, and please forward it to us.
git apply debug0.patch --verbose
cd build
make -j 8
git apply -R debug0.patch
cd build
make -j 8
We hope to be able to fix the issue you are experiencing with these last pieces of information.
Dear Luca,
Thanks very much for your efforts! Here are my testing results:
Get compiler information:
Here is the Complete_version_of_compiler (202 Bytes) I am using.
Yes, I reproduce the error with 1 processors. The command line is:
mpirun -np 1 /Users/lihao/TestPMMG/ParMmg/build/bin/parmmg ./sphere.mesh -sol ./sphere.sol -out sphere-out.mesh -mesh-size 200000 -niter 6 -nlayers 3 -hgradreq 3.0
The error message is:error_message_1_processors (4.5 KB)
I recompile with the patch file. And run with 1 processor.
Here is the error message: error_message_1_processor_recompile.rtf (2.8 KB)
Many thanks! And please let me know if I made any mistake during steps.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
It seems like the patch is not active for some reason (it should print some specific lines before the error message).
From your $TestDir/ParMmg dir, please check the output of the command
git status
If should give you a list of files modified by the patch. If you further type
git diff
the output of this command should be equal to the contents of the debug0.patch file. If it is not the case, please clean your repository with
git checkout -- .
and try reapply the patch: take care that for the debug0.patch file to be in your $TestDir/ParMmg folder (otherwise the patch won’t be applied) and reapply the patch from inside the same folder
git apply debug0.patch --verbose
this command too should tell you that two files were modified by the patch. If everything is ok at this point, recompile
cd build
make -j 8
and run your test to get more debug information in the output.
Hope it will work this time!
Dear Luca,
I tried again. Here is the results step by step:
git diff: git_diff_result (48.0 KB)
git apply debug0.patch --verbose git_apply_patch_result (290 Bytes)
make -j8 make_results (1.1 KB)
testing result: error_message_2 (2.3 KB)
I guess that I need to recompile the TestPMMG from the very begining.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
Thanks, the patch seems to be applied. Compilation is ok too, but apparently you cannot link the executable for a file permission problem.
Quick fix for that, from the $TestDir/ParMmg/build directory: just remove the old program using sudo permission
sudo rm bin/parmmg
then recompile with make -j 8. Linking should go smoothly this time!
Dear Luca,
This time, it seems that I compile successfully: make_result (599 Bytes)
And here is the testing output: error_message_3 (2.7 KB)
However, the output seems the same as before. Hope the message can help.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Hao,
The patch is effective this time, and it shows that ParMmg passes the correct filename to Mmg, then it gets lost on your machine.
The problem doesn’t show up on our machines, so I propose you to apply a further patch to Mmg debug_mmg.patch (976 Bytes) and recompile both Mmg and ParMmg:
cd $TestDir/mmg
git apply debug_mmg.patch --verbose
cd build; make -j 8
cd $TestDir/ParMmg/build; make -j 8
cd $TestDir
then to try two more tests to help us solve it:
$TestDir/mmg/build/bin/mmg3d ./sphere.mesh -sol ./sphere.sol -out sphere-out.mesh
It is also worth trying if explicitly specifying the “-in” option before the filename can circumvent your problem:
mpirun -np 1 $TestDir/ParMmg/build/bin/parmmg -in ./sphere.mesh -sol ./sphere.sol -out sphere-out.mesh -mesh-size 200000 -niter 6 -nlayers 3 -hgradreq 3.0
Looking forward to hearing from you,