What is the ordering of Tet nodes

Dear sir:
I want to know if the MMG’s Tet cell has some specific node ordering?


The nodes of tetrahedra cells are ordered in the forward direction. I copy a post with more informations about the Mmg numbering.

Tetra numbering in Mmg

  • edges are numbered in the order of their extremities indices:

    • edge 0 is the edge with vertices 0 - 1
    • edge 1 is the edge with vertices 0 - 2
    • edge 2 is the edge with vertices 0 - 3
    • edge 3 is the edge with vertices 1 - 2
    • edge 4 is the edge with vertices 1 - 3
    • edge 5 is the edge with vertices 2 - 3
  • A face is numbered with the index of its opposite vertex:

    • face 0 is the face 1 - 2 - 3
    • face 1 is the face 0 - 3 - 2
    • face 2 is the face 0 - 1 - 3
    • face 3 is the face 0 - 2 - 1

numbering convention

