Videos using Feel++ for simulation and MMG for mesh adaptation

Dear Mmg devs @Algiane @lcirrott

thank you for the very nice tool, here are a two recent videos done with feel++ using MMG and in parallel

TurekHron 2D benchmark for conjuguate heat transfer
Feel++ HeatFluid TurekHron cfd3 Mesh Adaptation - YouTube (2D

3D particle (non spherical) falling in a tube under gravity

The examples will be released with the next Feel++ release

more contributions soon

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here is the TurekHron 2D benchmark for conjuguate heat transfer

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Hi @prudhomm ,

Thanks for sharing this great results!

Do you think that you will post it on social media (such as linkedin)? If yes, I would be very happy to share it :-).

Best Regards,

I did it already on twitter but I can certainly post something also on linkedin with a little bit more description

Thanks @prudhomm for your work and for sharing these beautiful results!