Dear MMG Team,
first of all I want to thank you for this excellent piece of software. We were facing a problem with negative Eigenvalues though this seems fixed in the new version 5.6. I noticed that there is no announcement on the webpage and it also links to the 5.5.2 binaries.
So in the end I just wanted to ask if anything had changed with respect to the calculation of the Eigenvalues? There was a discussion about something similar in 2019 though I’m not sure if it is related.
Below is the error I was getting with 5.5.2 but not with 5.6 anymore.
BAD ORIENTATION : vol < 0 -- 192066 tetra reoriented
## Warning: MMG5_chkBdryTria: 717842 extra boundaries provided. Ignored
## Warning: MMG5_simred: at least 1 metric with a negative eigenvalue: -0.455691
## Warning: MMG3D_simred: at least 1 failing simultaneous reduction.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx 4.596930E-06).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx 4.596930E-06).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -2.542710E-04).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -1.476503E-01).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -5.885438E-03).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -5.885438E-03).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx 2.382105E-02).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -1.476503E-01).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx 2.382105E-02).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx 2.382105E-02).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9102, newton3, no root found (fx -1.476503E-01).
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: newton3: ERR 9103, newton3, det = 0.
## Error: MMG5_minQualCheck: too bad quality for the worst element: (elt 2794 -> 0.000000e+00)