Set required vertex moved after remeshing

before remeshing a volume mesh I set some vertices as requires, using the API function. I noticed that in the resulting mesh the required vertices have been moved by a very small amount, of the order of 1e-15/1e-14.

I stored the coordinates of the required vertices before remeshing,
P_b_i {x_before_i,y_before_i,z_before_i}, then i compare them with the values after remesing P_a_i {x_after_i,y_after_i,z_after_i }. They are not exactly the same: || P_a_i - P_b_i || != 0.0 but || P_a_i - P_b_i || ~ 1e-16/1e-15 (double), for several indices i.

Is it normal?

Grazie mille

Dear Giovanni,

Thank you for your question. Would you be able to provide me with some minimal working example showcasing your problem ? This looks like a typical rounding error that can occur anytime a floating point is employed. With your example, I will be able to investigate whether this is something we have control upon or not.

Thank you very much in advance,