Running the solution of .mesh file

Hi, I am a new user and would like to seek help in visualizing my first mesh. This is what i have done till now:

  1. Installed mmg
  2. Run this command - mmg2d_O3 -ar 10 acdcBdy.mesh - in the directory where acdcBdy.mesh(taken from .mesh file is present.
  3. After running, 2 files got created - acdcBdy.o.mesh, acdcBdy.o.sol

I would like to know what steps i need to perform further to visualize the solution of the acdcBdy.mesh file. I have paraview as a visualization software.



To visualize your mesh with paraview you need to save a mesh as a .vtk o .vtu file. It can be done by providing an output file name with a .vtk extension (for example):

mmg2d_O3 -ar 10 acdcBdy.mesh acdcBdy.o.vtk

Mmg uses the VTK API so the previous command will fail if VTK has not been detected at the CMake configuration step and if Mmg has been builded without this library. VTK must be builded with the VTK_USE_MPI flag setted to ON.

Note also that the distributed binaries are builded without VTK (because we link VTK as a shared library, thus, if we distribute a compilation of Mmg that use it, it will fail for all users that doesn’t have VTK).

An alternative way to visualize your mesh is to install the Medit software (GitHub - ISCDtoolbox/Medit) that allow to inspect .mesh files.

I hope that it will help,
Best Regards,


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Thank you for your response. I have installed medit using the steps given in medit but when use “medit acdcBdy.o.mesh” i get an error - Command ‘medit’ not found.

I think i was able to install medit correctly(refer attached image)

Can you please point me to the error i may be making?



Medit is not copied in the installation directory classically used by the system (/usr/local/bin) so the application is not found in your PATH.
You can either use the full path of the medit executable (/home/vinayak/bin/medit), either add this path to your PATH variable by adding the following line in the configuration file of your shell interpretor (~/.bashrc file for example) :

export PATH =/home/vinayak/bin/:$PATH

Best Regards,

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Thank you! It worked!