Dear Luca,
At the moment it would be only for one application, but it would remove the need to post-process manually every time I create a mesh with it. So it would be handy for me. Especially if I could not only chose to provide the parameter for one of them, but I could also chose to set both to different values, for example remove positive bubbles for a value =< 1e-5 and negative bubbles for a value =< 1e-3, just to say something. But it’s not like its critical.
I had a quick look at the source code and found that removal of bubbles takes place in function MMG3D_rmc(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol). From wat I saw you seem to consider positive and negative bubbles separately. So I will see if for now I can solve this by commenting out the section that processes the bubbles I don’t want removed. It’s not a pretty solution but if it works for now, I am happy.
Kind regards,