Hi,square_input.mesh (501 Bytes)
square1.sol (109 Bytes)
I’m a new user of mmg and I’m trying a simple test case of refining a square 2D surface according to a scalar solution (./mmg2d_O3 square_input.mesh -sol square1.sol). I succeed to perform that with .mesh files format but I fail to do the same with .msh files (./mmg2d_O3 square.msh ? no sol file ?). Could you please advise me?
You will find attached herewith the Medit .mesh input and output files and the .msh file in which I added a Nodedata scalar field.
In the documentation you suggest to gmsh users to save their meshings into the Medit format (Save As -> Mesh - INRIA Medit (*.mesh)). I would like to point out that when I do that, the dimension in the medit file is 3 even for 2D surface. Also, it seems that mmg2d_O3 do not appreciate the 4th field in the vertices definition (see square2.mesh: output of gmsh in Medit format)
Thank you in advance for your help.