Remesh Tagged volume mesh with artifcats

Hey folks,

So I’m a new to MMG and I have the following situation. I have a volume mesh consisting of Tets. In my volume mesh I have each Tet belonging to a subregion classified by element tags. Furthermore, my mesh has some ugly artifacts on it’s surface which result from the generation of this mesh (we do meshing from MRI data). However I also have some sharp edges I would like to preserve. I would like to apply MMG to improve the mesh. Is it possible to achieve this with the tools? I would be glad to share an example mesh with you but I can’t upload it here.

Could you help me?

Dear Elias,

Welcome to the Mmg community.

I think that you can upload meshes now (I have modified the permissions).
If you know the sharp edges that you want to preserve, you can provide them to Mmg with the keyword Ridges and disable the automatic sharp angle detection of Mmg. Thus Mmg will not detect your artifacts as sharp angles (which leads to preserve it during the remeshing process).

Then, depending on your artifacts and on what you want to do exactly, I think that you must play with the Hausdorff parameter (-hausd argument) and see the consequences over the surface approximation.

Best regards,


So I can load the mesh we use into the MMG lib and apply mmg3d. I get a result without any warnings. However when I look in the files I found out that there were points created which are not attached to any elements in the mesh. Maybe we are using the MEDIT file format wrong. We only prescribe the Points and the elements in the file and no edges or surface triangles

Dear Elias,

It is possible to prescribe only points and elements to Mmg.

It is very weird to recover a mesh with lost points: are you using the Mmg library or the Mmg application?
If you use the library, maybe there is a problem when getting back the mesh. You can try to use the MMG3D_saveMesh(yourmesh,“meshname.mesh”) function to save the mesh and to see if you have the same problem.



So I use the application which is build during cmake. It just happend in one instance.

Please, can you send me a minimal example (initial + final mesh with the command line that you use)?

