Dear users and developers,
I am trying MMG3D’s built-in examples,
Here, example0_a load a mesh and solution file for adapdation.
example0_b defined mesh and solution inside the main.c file.
For my part, I need to define an internal boundary face(blue one in the fig), e.g., in example0_b,
if ( MMG3D_Set_triangle(mmgMesh, 7, 11, 9, 5,21) != 1 ) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
Then run it with -opnbdy. In order to run -opnbdy, the following line was also added.
if ( !MMG3D_parsar(argc,argv,mmgMesh,mmgSol,NULL) ) return MMG5_STRONGFAILURE;
The results are nice.
But when I tried the same initial mesh and solution file using MMG3D_O3, the results are different from the static library and are bad. It seems the internal boundary face was kept.
The main.c file with static library and the input mesh and solution with MMG3D_O3 are all attached.
Thanks a lot.
Xiaodong test.mesh (657 Bytes)
test.sol (119 Bytes)
main.c (14.9 KB)