Dear Algiane, dear developpers,
I noticed several “unexpected” behaviors when trying to use the -ls mode combined with -nr:
- MMG3D writes the following field in the output mesh even if the option “-nr” is used:
- Corners
- RequiredVertices
- Normals
- NormalAtVertices
- Tangents
- TangentAtVertices
- Edges
- Ridges - The output mesh computed is dependent on whether the above fields are present or not in the input mesh file. I observed that the fields “Tangents” and “Normals” have an influence even if “Corners” and “Ridges” are not present (and even with the last commit b61df0 on the develop version). These behaviors are not encountered in mmg2D.
Could you explain the meaning of these fields (in particular, Tangents and Normals) and how they are taken into account by the -ls mode. In my application, I would like to preserve the “flatness” of the bounding box by specifying a set of ridges and corners, and I would like these to be preserved “as is” after successive applications of MMG (so without getting new ridges and corners). Right now, I am cleaning the output mesh file from all the extra fields because they tend to create very ill shaped mesh after a few iterations.
Many thanks for your help,