I am a new user of MMG3D and I would like to ask for your help solving a linking error.
I downloaded and compile the latest version from https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg.git. I have no problems running the examples provided with the library. Yet, my objective is to interface MMG3D with a c++ finite element code through its API functions.
I encountered the following linking error:
Linux_64 link with g++
apimesh_Linux_64/Adapt.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `MMG3D_lenedgCoor’
apimesh_Linux_64/MMG3D_mesher.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
Here is an example on how I make use of the library in the previous files :
MMG3D_mesher.h :
#ifndef MMG3D_MESHER_H
#define MMG3D_MESHER_H
#include <mmg/mmg3d/libmmg3d.h>
MMG5_pMesh mmgMesh;
MMG5_pSol mmgSol;
Adapt.h :
#ifndef ADAPT_H
#define ADAPT_H
#include <MMG3D_mesher.h>
Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?
Thank you,