Dear all,
I am using MMG2D inside KratosMultiphysics to remesh 2D meshes, and I have seen that the final remeshed result is affected by the regions that I define in the domain, even if the same metric is used.
I can only upload two images so I will directly show the final result. For both images the metric is the same in the whole domain. The difference is that in the second one, a group of triangles is defined forming a line in the upper part.
We can see that in the second case, where the group of triangles is defined, the final result is affected by it even though both have the same metric.
Is this the intended behaviour? I would expect it to give the same result regardless of the regions defined.
Find attached both .sol and .msh for both cases (files starting with line_… correspond to the second case).
Thank you for your help!
Marc (52.8 KB) (49.8 KB)