Dear mmg team,
Thank you for creating this forum.
My whish is to use mmg to remesh an implicit domain with very small thickness, say a crack.
I attach an example to explain my problems.
The support mesh has already been adapted (using a metric file and mmg) so to have high resolution in the neighorhood of the zero level set.
mmg runs with the following options
mmg3d_O3 -nr -hmax 0.0707107 -hmin 0.0125081 -hausd 0.09 input.o.mesh -ls levelsetmesh.sol
During the process I get several warnings of kind
_MMG5_chkmanicoll: we should rarely passed here.
The input mesh and level set as well as the result are attached.
When the thickness is large everything works perfectly.
When the two borders of the crack come closer and closer the quality of the geometry is seriously compromised:
-the borders are connected by very small bridges of tetras
- very sharp tetras not connecting the two boundaries appear on the surface
Also, the topology is lost.
It seems that there is an offset used to cut the level set. Is there a way to change this parameter ?
I had the same problem in 2d but solved by playing with parameters.
Any hint to help fix this problem?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.