Hi all,
I am trying to generate a 2D triangular mesh of a domain defined by a set of points and a set of edges.
I test the MMG2D generation tools you provide both on my own input mesh using lib and on the acdc example using mmg2d bin.
The result of command ‘’./mmg2d_O3d -ar 10 /tmp/acdc.mesh /tmp/ko.mesh’’ gives unexpected result. See result below
In the log I get this message :
Error: MMG2_insertpointdelone: some vertex are not inserted 1.
Warning: MMG2_pack: unexpected edge table… Ignored data.
Is something wrong in the way I use mmg2d?
PS: I am using MODULE MMG2D-IMB/LJLL : 5.3.8 (Apr. 10, 2017) ISO