we use the level set option to adapt to an implicit surface in 3D. In order to preserve defined volumes I add the level set information as via a mmg3d file and this works for simple cases. However, for more complex examples we get the following error more and more. The same problems work without providing the mm3d file but this looses the volume information obviously.
Is there anything we can do about it? What’s the likely cause (e.g. bad surface/volume mesh interaction at the boundary)?
## Error: MMG5_coquilFaceErrorMessage: at least 1 problem in surface remesh process (potential creation of a lonely boundary face):
look at elt 696850: 91320 91283 91299 91321.
adjacent tetras 697047 696932 697042 696942
vertex required? 0 0 0 0
## Try to modify the hausdorff number, the maximum mesh size or/and the value of angle detection.
You can also try to run with -noswap option but probably the final mesh will have poor quality.
## Unable to improve mesh. Exiting.
## Unable to split mesh. Exiting.