I started to use mmg3D for a few days, for automatic remeshing volume meshes. The software is amazing and fast !
I have experienced few difficulties, and I share here the first : I want to insert in a existing mesh A new volumes insides, defined by a set of level-sets. However, I wish to do it (maybe need to) in several steps : defining a first level set and remeshing A that give me B (with 2 volume references) and then remesh B with another levelset that give me C. (the second level set is defined on B since the mesh has changed).
I woud have expected that C posses at least 3 (maybe more) volume references. However, the first volume ref of B are lost, and only 2 ref remains in C. Btw, I need all the volumes at the end.
Is there a simple way to do it ? otherwise, i guess I need to re-evaluate the level sets on the last mesh C to reconstruct all the subvolume…
Thank you in advence