Dear Algiane,
I am using MMG3D to remesh a volume mesh named shock.mesh which contains shock waves, I first write the density solution of the field in a shock.sol file, then I use the software mshmet from the Pascal Frey to generate a metric tensors in the file named , finally I use the shock.mesh and shock.o.sol to remesh , the result is terrible! I don’t know how to set the metric tensor sol file correctly for MMG3D to obtain an anisotropic remeshed mesh. The files I mentioned can download here!AnpNI97kYCj1gqUyUsrMp5tbrsdY9w?e=aUaURh
I have tried to run your test case and I reproduce the problem. By setting the verbosity to -v 6
we can see that there are several errors that make Mmg exit before remeshing is complete.
I will try to get the reason for them.
The test is very long, do you have a coarser mesh that exhibits the same problem?
Also, what parameters have you used for mshmet?
Dear Luca,
This is the density field of flow with shockwave.
The mesh file is cylinder.mesh, the density solution is cylinder.sol, and the metric tensor file generated by mshmet with setting"-eps 0.0001 -hmax 0.5 -hmin 0.01" is!AnpNI97kYCj1gqVysVFi2kG1dEI4cQ?e=9peWZS
The result is better than the last case, but it still a bit terrible!
In the last case, some of the unrefined zones are caused by the initial coarse mesh, and some noise on the coarse solution is captured on the surface. Higher -eps
can help to filter the noise in this case.
Anyway it is not easy to figure out why the first (fine mesh) test case gives problems on the surface, as I am not experiencing the same problems on other similar test cases. We will have a deeper look and come back to you.