Hello everybody,
I am working on a dynamic problem where I have to update a 3D discretization as my internal interfaces move. The issue I face is that when I want to update the previous mesh with a new signed distance field I get the following error:
# Error: MMG5_loadMshMesh_part2: unexpected type of element (2029)
and after that the program closes without generating the new mesh. As far as I can tell, the element that is supposed to be causing the problem is an arbitrary tetrahedron.
It is worth to mention that this only happens with the -ls option enabled. I have no problem whatsoever in generating a sequence of meshes from a length scalar field. In addition, if I transform the input mesh (previous time step) from .msh into .vtk and back to .msh the problem disappears.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
José Antonio.
PS: I am using the MMG3d, Release 5.3.8 (Apr. 10, 2017) compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 2017 under Windows 10.
Edit: The error is reproducible when running mmg3d.exe cube1.msh -ls
on this (909.8 KB) mesh generated by mmg3d.