Initially I will explain briefly what I am trying to do. Suppose I have a volume (terrain) as shown in the figure 1, when I try to remesh it considering a metric based on the distance of some buildings (set of triangles), apart from remeshing in that area, I generate smaller elements between the edges of the contour faces (see second figure), to avoid this, we generate a list of local parameters with their specific properties ie maximum and minimum size and its corresponding local haussdorff values.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Before updating mmg everything worked fine but after updating I get this error.
MMG3D_Set_localParameter: You must set the number of local parameters with the MMG3D_Set_iparameters function before setting values in local parameters structure.
I understand that something has changed in the library, and that I am giving the wrong input to the method. Could you help me with this?