Can MMG3D_Set_tensorSols reproduce the results of MMG3D_Set_scalarSols? (The previous one with this same tilte is void))

Dear MMG users and developers,

I am trying to use MMG3D_Set_tensorSols, and I have tested it using the built-in example:

:open_file_folder: File: mmg/libexamples/mmg3d/adaptation_example0/example0_b/main.c

In the main function of this example, the metric solution is set to 0.5 using MMG3D_Set_scalarSols.

To experiment with tensor-based metric input, I modified the code to use MMG3D_Set_tensorSols. The final mesh generated appears reasonable, but it differs slightly from the one obtained using MMG3D_Set_scalarSols. I am a bit confused about this discrepancy.
Could anyone clarify why the final mesh from MMG3D_Set_tensorSols differs from the one obtained using MMG3D_Set_scalarSols? Is there an expected behavior that I might be overlooking?

The complete code is attached. main.c (15.1 KB)

Hereโ€™s the modified snippet using MMG3D_Set_tensorSols:
if ( MMG3D_Set_solSize(mmgMesh, mmgSol, MMG5_Vertex, 12, MMG5_Tensor) != 1 )

Nequation = 6;
sizeV = 0.5;
metric = (double *)malloc(12 * Nequation * sizeof(double));

for (v = 0; v < 12; v++) {
metric[Nequation * v + 0] = 1.0 / (sizeV * sizeV);
metric[Nequation * v + 1] = 0;
metric[Nequation * v + 2] = 0;
metric[Nequation * v + 3] = 1.0 / (sizeV * sizeV);
metric[Nequation * v + 4] = 0;
metric[Nequation * v + 5] = 1.0 / (sizeV * sizeV);

/* Assign metric tensor values */
if ( MMG3D_Set_tensorSols(mmgSol, metric) != 1 )

