Category | Topics |
User HelpNeed help to use the Mmg plateform? You are in the right place...
Developers HelpQuestions about code development around the Mmg plateform (compilation of the Mmg platform, contribution to the plateform, etc...).
New features discussionsWe will open here topics to gather the users opinions on features being developped.
Thanks by advance to your help! |
Features wishlistYou want to contribute to our project and help us to improve our applications? You need a new feature? Post here!
Present yourselfCommunity is the core of the Mmg project. Let us know who you are and what are your interests.
Tips & tricksGive advice and tips to use the Mmg plateform. Discuss about useful code and tools.
Share Your MeshesUse this category to share your meshes modificated using Mmg for other community members to give advices. You can also share other resources like images.
Forum, Website & Wiki helpYou encounter a issue with the Mmg forum? the Mmg wiki ? the Mmg website? Leave us a post in this category!
Guidelines to use this forumIf you are a new comer, welcome. Please, before posting, read the guidelines to use this forum and the code of conduct. You can introduce yourself in the Present yourself section.