Set number of nodes in refinement process

Good afternoon to everyone,

Currently I am refining a 2d triangular mesh, and I set the minimum and maximum element size I want.
Instead of these two parameters, can I set the number of nodes I want in the refined mesh?
E.g. in my initial mesh I have 50 nodes, and I want the refined mesh to have 150 nodes.
Is it possible?


Riccardo Tosi

Good morning Riccardo,

I am sorry, we don’t provide this option. I hope that you will find another way to reach your target number of points (maybe via a modifcation of the prescribed metric?).



Hi Riccardo, maybe we can do as Algiane suggests, maybe computing the re-meshing once, then seeing the number of nodes obtained. Divide this number by the number of nodes desired, then taking the square of this number and multiplying the metric, we can try it later. (after that the second remesh)