Freeze the mesh on given boundaries

Dear mmg developpers,

I am trying to use mmg to perform adaptation on periodic meshes. As far as I know, mmg does not support periodicity, so I’d like to freeze the mesh on periodic interfaces so the adapted mesh remains periodic. How is it possible to do this?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,


Dear Xavier,

Mmg does not support the periodicity for now.
From a technical point of view, you must set the interfaces elements as required:

  • MMG3D_Set_requiredTriangles function if you use the library and want to freeze a triangle
  • RequiredTriangles keyword in your mesh file if you work in command line

The problem is that you will have elements that does not satisfy your size map (and will have poor quality) along the periodic boundaries. An idea to overpass this problem is to move the periodic boundaries and to remesh again. After few iteration you must obtain a good mesh.

The procedure is detailed in the following paper:

A mesh adaptation procedure for periodic domains

Best regards,
